The day Autism entered our lives.

I had known for years that there was more going on with my son than what we had been told. He was delayed almost right from the start. He was delayed in crawling, walking, feeding himself, potty training and speech. At 3 1/2 he was diagnosed as ADHD. While there was some improvement with ADHD medication things still weren't right.

When he was 7 it was suggested that he be tested for ASD's. The day came that we went to the appointment to find out the results. It's been over 11 years now and I will never forget that moment. There was denial, anger, fear and lots of questions. The biggest thing that came out of that meeting, despite everything else, was that IT had a name and that was Aspergers Syndrome. Now that we knew what IT was we could try to defeat the disorder. You can't attack the unknown. It's been 11 long years and an uphill battle, but he has worked so hard, kept an amazing attitude and he has made so much progress. He graduated high school in May. I am so proud of him.

Harry Shaw Jr
Buffalo Grove, IL