The Boy In The Window

We had our son in Sept 1992, an 11 year wait for me to have my little boy. I was so happy the day he was born, now I had my girl and my boy.
Around the age of 12-18 months, we noted that he was not developing language and was always very quiet and seemed so happy. He loved to sit on the back of our couch and watch every thing out the front window.
Through a series of Dr. appointments, by age 2 1/2 he was diagnosed with Autism and was still non-verbal. He started school and we got him into every therapy we could.
He will be 19yrs old soon and he still doesn't talk. We have behavior issues and he has developed seizures and has Raynauds Phenomenon.
But a coin has two sides and the flip side of this one is that he is the most loveable boy, he can give you a kiss and hug that will melt your heart and take away your bad day. We have purchased an I-Pad for him and he is using that for communication and it has made a difference with his frustration level.
He loves school and his teachers. Went to the Prom last May and had the most wonderful time, a first.
We all like to think that we teach our children, but he has taught us so much. I had years of experience working with Special Needs folks and thought I "knew" about it, but I have learned so much. My husband had not had much contact with the disabled and this has been an eye opening experience for him. He loves his son and would do anything for him.
We have also grown in our relationship with God, without Him, we couldn't do this.

Bonnie Hogard
Olympia, WA