Taking on hope one day at a time...

When Cali was diagnosed with autism two short years ago, hope seemed distant and blurred. Today, our hopes for Cali are clear and bright. You never know what the future holds for any child whether special needs or not, but amidst life's turning and bumpy roads you hold on to this hope that it will all be ok. Autism isn't just a bump, it's many, many bumps! Some the same, some different, but they all seem to slow down Cali's race in life. When we first started out on our journey with autism, the bumps seemed more like mountains, but as Cali began to move past these we started to realize that yes she can do this!! There was zero lag time between getting the diagnoses and starting various treatments for Cali. Through occupational therapy, speech therapy, play therapy (floortime model), developmental therapy, and hippotherapy, we began to see UNBELIEVABLE gains with our little girl. Her non-verbal state at age two, has now become completely verbal and even "typical" on some of her communication skills. The unbearable tantrums and fits (happening almost every hour on the hour) at age two, are now few and far between. I often think how ironic it is to have Cali as my calm, happy child, and Ava, my two year old not having autism, as the... let's call it "spirited" child. The Cali who didn't have a clue how to initiate interaction with other friends, is now asking me to play with Coco down the street. A life with autism can only move forward with hope. We hold on to this hope each and every day, and firmly believe Cali's past two years are living proof. We love you Cali!!

Orem, UT