I always thought my son was perfect (still do) but when his sister came along, I noticed that even though she was 19 months younger than him she seemed to master things faster. I remember joking about how Noah (thats my sons name) would crawl to kindergarten... He learned to walk at 16 months, but he was still amazingly smart in my eyes. As he grew and got old enough for headstart, the teachers all told me something was wrong with him..I remember being soo mad, afterall, my child was perfect, he knew his abc's and could write his name. I asked them if they thought it was ADHD, and they said "No, its something more." They said they couldn't handle his meltdowns and refered me to a psychiatrist. Which, by the way I didn't go to, because my baby was Perfectly normal, just tempermental. Then my step mother, who happened to be a nurse said " I think Noah has autism." I had never been so mad, I knew nothing about autism, but it sounded bad. After a couple more years of the meltdowns and strange fixations, lack of eye contact and specific interests I finally broke down and had him evaluated. Waiting for the results was hard...The doctor came in the room and said"Noah has what we call aspergers, and it is in the autism spectrum.." for just a minute my world fell in around me, but then I looked at that precious little boy, and realized that made him even more special. His I.Q. was 139, much higher than mine, and he knows his way around computers better than most people that have went to collage for it. He is 12 now, he has problems making friends, and the kids at school bully him...but he just lets it roll off his shoulders. He is so much stronger than i have ever been, and funny and obviously alot smarter than me, Some say AUTISTIC, I say AMAZING! He is a blessing.

tasha mccann
crossville, TN