She's no Princess

The day my daughter was born was the happiest of my life. I held her in our first few minutes alone and promised her my everything. I had visions of princesses and ponies but ours was not to be that kind of fairytale. She was a happy baby/toddler and very loving. Her eye contact was minimal and her behavior was odd but being my first I thought nothing of her preference for lining up colorful spoons to any meaningful play. Around 2 when she still wasn't speaking I had her evaluated. Again and again. I was told she'll grow out of it, she makes eye conatact and is loving so it can't be autism. But I knew at that point even if no one else saw it. I finally had her evaluated at 3 through our local Head Start program and finally got the answer. Autism. A label is a blessing and a curse. An answer that raised more questions, but a foot in the door for the help she needed. In preschool they tried to tell me she may be mentally retarded as they couldn't get her to participate enough to test her. I ignored them I knew better. Now at almost 10 my little girl isn't so little and she's no princess. Animals of all kinds dominate our home and the only tea parties are attended by elephants. She's very intelligent and won't stop talking! Her behavior and social skills are works in progress but every step she's a fighter. Who needs a princess?

Laura Lee
Brazil, IN