My name is AmyRose, I have an amazing daughter who is now 7yrs old who has opened my eyes and has shown me that Autism is not black and white. When my daughters doctor told me my baby has severe signs of Autism my heart sunk with fear, all I knew than were movies which were not helpful'.. Of course I did what was best, evaluation's..therapy's. I didn't educate myself than, looking back now I know it was my way of denying the situation. One day at my daughters preschool parent teacher conference one of her teachers asked me how is Sarah doing with the potty? I had said we weren't making progress and she smiles and tells me how my daughter has been using the potty in school for awhile now. That was the last day of my ignorance. Today my daughter is now going to a great special needs school and she amazes everyone everyday. She sang at her 1st grade assembly and became her schools shining star. My family and I were in tears filled with so much love and joy. I am so very thankful that my daughter is who she is. One day I'm positive she will be the next Meryl Streep. <3

Amyrose Caldrone
New York, NY