Ryders Story

My son Ryder was Born October 2006 on my Mother in law and Sister in laws birthday. he was a healthy 9lb 3oz baby boy. he met all his milestones on time, talked and walked on time, and when he got to around 18 months, lost all these skills except walking. He was inverted, wouldnt answer to his name, would play with his cars on the window for hours. I got him evaluated and he was diagnosed with PDD NOS. I was relieved because I knew there was an answer to this horrible event in my life. I vowed to fight for him to get whatever help he needed. He fought for a long time to be normal, he is my inspiration because hes worked so hard to accomplish what people take for granted.Waving,social skills, feelings.I cried many many times from stress and not being able to help him or understand whats going on in his head. why wont he listen to me? why is he so angry at times and so hyper?II am very proud to say he will be graduating his preschool(for autism) and going into regular kindergarten this year, hes talking sentences and a lot of words, he loves playing with his sister, he even has a dinosuar toy he calls "abby" after his new little sister, and cuddles her, rocks her, and feeds her. A lot of people can learn from ryder because he never gave up. he worked hard the past few years 6 hour days while other kids his age played. I love him so much and all the fustration and the hard work has made me just love him more. He is the best thing thats ever happened to me.

east islip, NY