Ryan: My Miracle

On July 31st, I gave birth to perfection; What little did I know, I was unsure just how perfect the bundle in my arms was.
When Ryan was 9 months old, his development began to change. When I discovered he could have autism, at first, my world began to shatter right from underneath me. I wasn't going to face terrible twos, horrible threes, or watch him make little friends. I was sure my world was going to end.
When I looked at my son's angelic face while sleeping, I thought of the blessings and the possibilities that came with him and a whole new world developed. He is the most easygoing child I have ever met and rarely has tantrums (and when he does, they last less than 5 seconds.) Horrible threes do not exist with him. When he's quiet, it does not mean he's into something. He is independant and "does his own thing". He loves to sing and dance with mommy, play with his Kindle Fire (which has helped him TREMENDOUSLY in his development), and "talk", though he does not communicate (He can say words, but he can't hold a conversation with you, or tell you he's hungry or thirsty, for example.) But in trade of his amazing personality, it's a struggle with his eating habits; he only eats crunchy finger food, and will not eat food out of a spoon or fork.
He has his appointment in one of the best hospitals in our state, and we will know for sure how severe he is, and we are going to get him into the eating clinic and also a touch of speech therapy. One thing is for certain: I gave birth to the perfect child.

Holly Kristine Lott
Chillicothe, OH