Reaching a milestone to Mainsream!

When Thomas turned 2 it felt like a bomb was dropped when we heard he had ASD. We didn't know what to do to help him. When he turned 3 the Early On program enrolled him into the Early Childhood Special Education program in our district. For 3 years his conferences and IEP meetings turned out the same, he wasn't progressing at all. Each meeting I would leave crying wondering what on earth I could do to help him move forward. Last fall it was requested he see a Psychiatrist for medication to slow him down so he could sit still in hopes that could help. Again it felt like another bomb was dropped, he was diagnosed with Mild Mental Retardation as well as ASD. We were told he could not mainstream and would need a special school next fall. I started slipping furthur into depression wondering why this wonderful blessing was being forced to go through this.

Today we had our last conference with his teachers. I feared the worst because of the other meetings. I was again expecting to hear that he was still not progressing and would have to be in a special school as his mentallity and development level is that of a 2.5 year old. Instead we got the best news! Next year he gets to move ahead to Kindergarten! He gets to be mainstreamed! The medication he was put on has helped him absorb and remember what hes been taught. He can write his own name and knows most of his ABC's! He can count to 10 now! I never thought he was going to progress so much so quickly. Its truly a blessing! I am so proud of my lil guy! He may be 5 but hes a wonderful blessing blossoming!

Gina Wunder
Albion, MI