Our Story...

Our son, Noah, is two and a half years old. When he was a year old he was hitting all of his milestones beautifully, then things changed. By his 18 month check up he only had about three words. He had stopped saying things he had said before, started having melt-downs, had an increased sensitivity to certain sounds and textures. By this time he had completely stopped eating anything from a spoon. Our pediatrician mentioned Autism but said Noah may just be a little behind. At his two year check up his doctor told us that he thought Noah was showing signs of Autism and referred him to First Steps and he started working with a developmental therapist. He wanted to see him again in six months. At the next check up he told us he was 99% sure Noah is Autistic and wanted to send him for testing. I can't put into words how that felt. That was over a month ago and we are still waiting to get an appointment for testing. In my area it is a long process just to get that appointment. No matter what the results determine, I am so blessed to be Noah's mom. It has been an emotional roller coaster and the waiting game is killing us. But, the out pour of love and prayers from strangers who have been in my shoes is so amazing. The people that have been put in our life because of whatever Noah is going through have been a blessing. I never really knew anything about Autism until I was forced to because of my amazing son, but I am grateful for all that I have learned and whether Noah is diagnosed or not the Autism community will always be very near and dear to my heart.

Corydon, IN