Our little Hero

Our son having Autism changed the entire dynamics of our family. Our son inspires us every day to learn more about how he thinks and sees the world. He was diagnosed with ASD 299 high functioning at 2.5 years old.. he is now 5 and doing wonderful!!
I think it's been a positive and challenging change for us because now we always search for ways to learn about him as well as from him.
At first we didn't know what to do or how to teach him important things..and it was excruciatingly frustrating. He tends to only sleep for 2-4 hours and his mind works so much faster than his body.. I felt like we were not able to help him to his fullest potential alone so We reached out for help from our local regional center "alta" and have been gifted with excellent teachers for him as well as parenting classes for parents with children on the spectrum . We now have all the tools we need to help him learn how to communicate effectively .
He is talking now and communicating to us his needs and wants and shows us every day how intelligent,caring, gentle and loving he is. He picks flowers every day for his aba classmates and teachers and is a true gift to us as parents . It opened our eyes that people are wired many different ways but none the less are the same inside.
He is so precious and sweet I could never imagine him any other way.

Bobbie Jo Pruett
Sacramento, CA