My special little boy

After many years of trying to have a child, I was told at 30yrs. old that I would not be able to concieve a child. To my surprise, at 35, I found out I was pregnant. The doctors were not very hopeful of a viable pregnancy. I had several problems with my pregnancy but, I delivered a 5lb. 11 oz. little boy at 41 weeks. He was healthy for about 4 months and developed RSV and pnemonia. He then was burned with an IV that burned the skin off of his arm and hand. After extensive therapies, he began to recover. At 6 months, he began having seizures. I was starting to lose hope that he would outgrow them. He was behind in his milestones and was not talking at 2 years old. Doctors told me he was mildly retarded and encouraged me to teach him sign language. He excelled in sign and pictures. At 2 1/2, to my surprise, he started talking in complete sentences. At 3 he was diagnosed with autism.He still recieves services, and is thriving every day. I am blessed to have such a special child in my life.

Jessica Majors
Rochester, NY