My special boy

During my pregnancy I was diagnosed with postpartum depression and was taking Prozac. I didnt have a local doctor who would accept my insurance so I didnt regulary see anyone during my pregnancy. My baby didnt move around alot, but I was growing so I wasnt concerned. Within minutes of my planned c-section it was obvious that something was a little off. My son was healthy as he could be, a good weight, but didnt move much and didnt cry. He just stared... within a few months of his birth it became apparent that something was wrong with him. He never cried, never moved, never smiled or rolled over and missed every milestone. Before age 1 he was diagnosed with early infantile autism. We immediately began all therapies, easter seals, and at age 3 he went straight into public school although he did not yet walk or talk. At age 4 he began speaking and walking. My son is now 9 years old and after 6 years of school has finally made it into the second grade. He requires a personal aide and still wets his pants, but is a complete joy in my life. He is much smaller than kids his own age so its almost a blessing that his mind functions younger too... Most people assume he is 4 or 5 years old and dont pay much mind to his tantrums. He is mathmatical whiz and can build just about anything. In one night he solved the rubiks cube after never having seen one before! I continue to be amazed and am so thankful to have him in my life.

lawrenceville, IL