My son's story

My son always was a "different" kid. Even when he was very little I knew there was something different about him. He was generally happy but he didnt adjust well to change and barely ever slept and when I went back to work when he was 3 years old he screamed all day at the babysitters even though she was very good to him. When he was in grade four his father and I ended up separating and this only worsened his problems..The next year he began acting out so severely that I couldnt control him anymore and he went to live with his father. He seemed to do ok at first but then the problems arose. I got him into a treatment facilty where he stayed for a few weeks and in that time they finally diagnosed him as being on the autism spectrum. When he returned home he did ok for a couple of months and then began once more acting out at home and school and having alot of problems and was very antisocial with family and friends. We got him into another program where he went into a treatment home for 6 months as well as a special school where they taught him social skills and how to get along with others and also started on new medication..His father and i spent time with him every weekend and he began to transform into a completely different person..He learned how to express his feelings and develop friendships and show love and emotions to family,he was a different boy..Now in grade 8 and 13 yrs old he's a whiz on the computer and doing well at elementary school. He recently joined Air cadets and I am so proud of the person he has become.. never give up hope!

Whitby, Canada