My Son, My Heart

My son Jordan was diagnosed with autism at the age of two, and later at the age of 3 1/2 we found out that the cause of his autism is Fragile X syndrome. Fragile X is a genetic condition that causes intellectual disability, behavioral and learning challenges and various physical characteristics.It is usually passed down through generations unknowingly, until a child is born with the full mutation - Fragile X. As a mother, I went through a difficult process of coming to terms with the fact that I was a full mutation carrier and that it was my X-chromosome that was passed onto my son.
Today, we still are coping with the trials and challenges that autism and fragile x present. Jordan still has good days and bad days, but I will always be there to help him through both good and bad. Although Jordan is autistic, he is still much like other seven year old children. He loves swimming and going to the park, and even playing in the fall leaves. He loves watching children's TV shows and jumping on the trampoline. Jordan just has the extra challenges of autism. However, when he smiles, when he gives you one of his hugs, or when he laughs you know it is genuine and from his heart. There is a wonderful innocence and playfulness about him that brings light to my dreariest of days. In the words of Temple Grandin, Jordan is "different, not less."
Jordan is my son and he has my heart always!

Jennifer Dupuis
Pikeville, NC