My son Connor

My son Connor had a heart condition called Wolff Parkinsons White syndrome. He was diagnosed with that when he was 2 weeks old. His heart would race because he had an extra conductor in his heart. The cardiologist said he could out grow it. He was hospitalized for a week at 2 weeks old. During that time they had to stop his heart so they could get his heart rate down. Even at that time he didn't like to be held it was like holding him was hurting him. When he turned 6 months old he said Momma and Dadda and then just quit talking. He was really delayed on everything. At 6 months old I kept asking his doctor if he was ok and he would keep telling me he was just delayed and would catch up. At 1 1/2 years old he did get over the wolff parkinsons white syndrome and so far it hasn't come back. Still he was talking or doing things like other children his age. At 3 years old someone finally listened to me and an early on program helped me to get him in to get tested. Connor was Autistic (PDD-NOS). At 3 years old he still wasn't talking. I got him into a preschool program for special needs kids. Connor was also being aggressive especially towards me. They helped him to understand and even got him talking. He is now 7 years old and in the 1st grade. He still has trouble with some words. He does part advanced 1st grade and part special ed. He has speech, physical, and occupational therapy at his school. He still has rough days. He loves drawing, painting, play dough, taking pictures, and coloring with crayons. I think he may be a future artist.

Grand Rapids, MI