My son change me to a stronger women .

My son William. Born 2003 . @ first life was kind of ok I had a child before William and she was an awsome baby... William was quite different. He was an adventure. At about 12months William stop sleeping thru the night. He always had a routine. Wake up at 12am sleep at 4-5am. I could not understand. What was going on. As time pass he had these habits to line all his toys. Flap his hands ect. At about 15 months he still had no words. @18 months I really thought he was deaf do to I having family who are. So I decided to take him to a speacialist and right of the bk she said the word (autism. Pdd.nos) what in the world is that I thought. I went home and did so much resreach online. Bought books , videos. I was 100% dedicated to learning more about autism. He his 9 now and it is still a great adventure and roller coaster. But we deal with. It as if it is a life that god had choosen for us and we expected it. I would not ask it any other way. :)

Lawrence, MA