My Life With Autism

My son Dylan Just turned six & was diagnosed w/ASD in May of last year so my life with Autism means there are still those days when I want nothing more than to run and hide,when everything is crazy and the world seems to be crashing in on me,when it seems as if I can't handle one more thing,and then there is.I struggle to find a balance for both my children while also trying to fit myself somewhere in there.I celebrate the small things,these are the things that get me through each day,things that appear to be so simple,such as licking a carrot,buckling his seat belt,or giving a hug. Things so many parents take for granted,things I never thought I would be so blessed to experience!I celebrate a victory every time he does something that for most would be typical,but for him is so hard,I celebrate him!I celebrate so that he knows I understand the difficulty behind each task.I celebrate to remind myself of the difficulty behind each task,because it is easier than you may think to forget how hard these things can be for him!I take it on myself to learn.That co-parenting is important and my opinion isn't the only one that matters even if the majority of the task falls to me!I move forward!I move forward for him,for her,and for me!I do this by taking it a second at a time,minute by minute.I do this even when the light at the end of the tunnel seems so dim it could be non existent,I move forward because there is no going back,there is only now!My son hasn't just changed my life!He's changed my entire way of thinking because sometimes just feeding a goat can mean bending your mind in a new direction!!

Stephanie Wood
Nampa, ID