My Life With Autism

I was diagnosed with Autism when I was 2, and ever since my life has been different. From Kindergarten to today, I've been in a program for kids like me. I've always had a hard time socializing with kids, but with adults it's not a problem. As I've gotten older, I realized that if I don't tell kids I have Autism, kids are going to think I'm weird. And the problem with that is is that I'm a shy kid and I've always been. When I started High School last year, I thought I'd make friends, but like every other school I've been at, I was shy. I never tried to make friends because I was so shy. I went on this field trip where we met other Freshman. I was the only guy in my group, and I stuggled telling 3 pretty Freshman girls I had Autism, but they were very sweet and they didn't mind. I told them what I wrote here, and I said that if I met kids as sweet as them, I'd love High School. Sadly, I only met a handful of others like them. But I'm always nervous to meet other kids. As a result, when I talked to my friends, I messed what I wanted to say or did goofy stuff because I wanted them to like me.
I hope that as I get older, socializing won't be an issue.
What I look for in a friend is one that's Caring, Kind, Funny, and Smart.
One goal I have is to raise a family and be able to handle marriage.
My other goal is to make a name for myself and for Autism and write a book about my experiences with Autism.
Currently, my goals are to graduate from High School and College.

Colin McCann
Rosemount, MN