My life with Aspergers

I was born in October 7 1990 to an abusive woman who smoked and drank during her pregnancy. I was born with FAS, microsephely, and a few other health problems and I was adopted at age 7. Fast forward to when I was in elementary school and picked on every single day because of my autism and my second grade teacher said I was to retarded to even make it past high school. When I was 10 the doctors diagnosed me with Aspergers and Social Services knew that before I was adopted. During the fifth grade I was having so much trouble that my parents put me in Special Ed which I stayed into until I was 17 at which time I was studying for my GED and at a work based learning class. I graduated when I was 18 and went to a trade school to study Culinary arts. My parents call me a walking encyclopedia since I know almost everything on animals and they are convinced I can actually win on Jeopardy

Shaina Carey
South Glens Falls, NY