My Daughter is my inspiration!!!

My daughter was diagnosed with PDD NOS at the age of 3 and our journey began. I was new to all of this and had to learn quickly what Autism is and what I needed to do for my daughter. We began speech therapy, ABA therapy, OT and a special needs preschool right away. She made amazing strides beyond my wildest dreams thanks to many amazing therapists and teachers!!! We went through a move from GA to TX when she was 5 and that set us back in every way. I then found the strength I didn't know I had and have fought for her to get what she needed from the school system here and resume her therapy. I then met some amazing ladies that would change my life forever. I became part of a group here, Fort Bliss Autism and Special Needs Support Group. I soon found my self leading this group along with two other Moms that have been there for us every step of the way. In this past year I have watched my daughter grow and accomplish so much! I have also been on a journey of attending classes, conferences and helping other families along their journey. I have learned so much and found so much strength to just keep going all because of my love for my daughter. We have been blessed with the gift of early intervention and I just can't say enough how much this has done for my child. She is in a mainstream class in 1st grade, does cheerleading and dance and I couldn't be more proud to be her Mom!

Jennifer Neal
El Paso, TX