My Aspie

My Aspie is Rob McGregor, he is 17 years old. Rob was a challenge growing up. He rose above all the obstacles and pushed forward to succeed in all that he does. When younger I was told that my son wasn't going to do all the so called normal things that "Normal" kids his own age do. I can't say that I was ever disappointed. I took his diagnosis and ran with it. I searched out all the avenues needed to help him succeed. I knew going into school that he needed services and which ones that would better serve him. The hardest part was fighting to get those services. After his Kindergarten year it actually got easier. All the services that I requested were given to him and we honestly feel blessed because everything seemed to fall to place. My son had issues don't get me wrong but he learned how to deal with them and moved forward. My son craved to be social and I guess me forcing him into Social situations was actually good for him. I can say proudly that my son can now handle just about anything put in front of him. He just finished his Junior in High School where he maintained all A's and B's and is even a Teacher's Assistant in his Social Skills class going on his second year. I'm proud to say that my son has overcome his biggest obstacle and that is being in front of and talking to a group. My son is a lead singer of a local Heavy Metal group called Devilkin Assailant. My son and his band play at local Bars and Venues here in Fresno Ca. All you have to do is a Google, Youtube or Facebook search and you can see him.

Rachael Fernandez
Fresno, CA