My Angle

I always knew my oldest was different but for the longest time I never knew he was so different from the rest of the people around him. He has always kept to himself and shied away from large gatherings. He would even have trouble with class situations.He would not eat certain food because the textures did not feel right, carrots made him gag it was so bad. Strong smells. Fixations on one thing like a video game or a cartoon, would be his obsession. But he learned to cope and graduated, only to be arrested for his compulsions a month later. He was sentenced to 15 years behind bars. It was at this time we found out he has Aspergers Syndrome. Like I said before I knew he was different but I never realized just how different. I have been amazed at the number of people who are like him and behind bars. He is also the 4th person there with a high school diploma in his cell group. To many times this compulsion would drive him to do things I did not understand and now we as a family are paying the price. I am not ashamed of my son, but his actions. I am more upset with the justice system for knowing this man has a problem and putting him in a place where he will not get any help or guidance. All of his life I sheltered him, trying to protect him. I guess this is the price I have to pay now.

Kountze, TX