my amazing son

I am a single mother to the most amazing son with autism. I normally dont share but ive seen a lot of stories and thought i could help ppl understand a little about autism. My son was an exceptional babt. He hithis milestones early. He was walking and talking and socializing until about two and a half. He started to regress and i was in complete denial. He was diagnosed at four and a half because a dear friend suggested it. I hated her at first but realized she did me a service. My son has been in asp(autism specific program) all through middle school. He has made the honor roll every year and is now a freshman in high school. He loves school. He is a loving and compassionate bot. These children hold no hatred or animosity. They r loving and forgiving. Sometimes i wonder if we "normal" ppl arent the ones with the disability. I am so blessed to have this child in my life! I wouldnt change a thing! These children are capable of all the things we are. He has strengthened my faith in God and my hope for humanity. He is the only child in our family with autism and has had a positive effect on all the lives hes touched. To all parents with these special children, never lose hope. There is no cure but they can have a wonderful and fufilled life. Set reasonable goals. U will be surprised what they can accomplish!

nannette archuleta
albuquerque, NM