Music, Taylor Swift, Pokemon and Autism is my life

I have Autism in the mild form, you'd never notice it unless I told a autistic person, I can attest to how hard it can make certain aspects of life and make others easier. eating for example: I went through phases as a kid of eating nothing but certain foods: shrimp was first, then mac and Cheese and then where I got into the most trouble weight-wise, Pizza. Also change was difficult weather it was big or small...still is. Like if the lamp was moved, it would bother me till I got used to it...if my parents make plans, I expect them to be stuck to and when they change, first words are always "but I thought you said..."...yeah. though one good thing is the fact I can sing and singing is the entire reason I can talk as well as I can. When I was in grade school, it was noticed I sing clearer then I talk so that was used to help with my speech...and now I'll talk your head off if given a chance, lol! though you have to strike the conversation with me first...other wise I'm kinda shy unless I force myself or if I know you already. on a side note: I excelled in math, I graduated HS with a B average, still a kid at heart at 23, I like Taylor Swift, the Hunger games and Pokémon. Yes I said it on that last one...Pokémon, lol, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Anyway, this is my story. Thanks for reading.

Elizabeth Azzinaro
Ontario, CA