Mixed Words

"Autism"-that's a funny word to me, in more ways than one! It's a new label for a condition that's been around forever, albeit misunderstood and misdiagnosed as well. I know this both as a nurse and as a parent of a child with "Autistic Tendencies".
I remember the phone call to my mother in Pennsylvania thirty-four years ago when my child, at age three, finally graduated to having her very own labels from medical and psychological teams after evaluations in the hospital..."They say she has autistic tendencies, ma"...I could've told you that, Leslie" "How so?" "You always were good with painting pictures and remember the drawings you used to do of the nieces?" "No, ma, I said, "Autistic"! "Yes I know, Leslie, what is wrong with you? I know what artistic is!"
Sept. 16, 1974 Kimberly was born with Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita (contractures at birth), Spinal Muscular Atrophy (muscle disease, wasting of muscles in the spine), dislocated hips, club feet, moderate retardation with autistic affect, 48 +XX chromosomes. All rare conditions, all with a grim outlook...labels with Doom attached to them. Speedwind to the future. I used to pray for two things. Please, God, that I may live to see the day when Kim would walk; and go to a regular school. Today, Kim is 37 yrs. young! Kim graduated High School, Special Ed. mainstreamed in art, music, and workshop...she makes jewelry, artwork, made some fine pieces of furniture; and even makes bears for hospital children as her pet project. She attends a day workshop..looking back from the past to the present, I guess you could say my mother was right after all! Yes, ma, Kimberly IS Artistic, after all! What IS that label "Autistic" anyway?! It must be another word for CREATIVITY! ***

Leslie Rittoper
Northumberland, PA