Matthew at 16

Matthew was diagnosed at 3 yrs of age with High Functioning Autism, once we identified what help he needed we got him into occupational therapy, speech therapy and a head start program. After much testing and many different doctors, we as parents started reading books to educate ourselves in types of Autism and sensory disorders to understand our child. So we learned about IEPs, to equip our child within the school system, so he would receive the help he needed. we had to fight for the needs of our child, because no one else new better than us. In the last 2 years we have seen dramatic changes in Matthews behavior, speech and even his sense of humor. He has come along way. Now we never thought in this whole time that Matthew could never do anything, we always treated him as normal, even when it came to discipline. In my life I had known mothers who would treat their autistic children with kid gloves, never disciplining them or trying correct their behavior. This approach only hurts the child and you in the long term. Our autistic children need a good upbringing, they need to know right from wrong, what's good behavior and what's not acceptable in society. Now Matthews 16 , we have realized there are little things we have not taught him when it comes to social behavior in front of others. A autistic child has no filters. I remember when he was 7 , he used to take off all his clothes to go the bathroom, which is totally fine at home behind closed doors, but not fine when your out at Church group, McDonalds or any other public place. Matthew thinks in black and white, no gray. The only thing I would like to see is more books on teenagers and Autism, there is simply not enough out there for reference after the age of 12 years. But I know with prayer and hope my Matthew will become a great man.

Lauren Knight
Texarkana, TX