Marvellous Macy

Macy my daughter a little ray of sunshine She will be 6 on the 27th of this month I can't believe how time flys.
A little of her journey so far. As a baby she would scream constantly hardly sleep give little to no eye contact and later with weaning had real issues with textures each stage presented new challenges as she got older I began to notice she wasn't developing any speech she could say 6-8 words that I could understand but never progressed, and she constantly toe walked. She began speech therapy at the age of 2 and was instantly referred to a paediatrician after one observation. Once she began nursery at 2 years 6 months behaviours included a biting hitting and throwing chairs at staff 4-6 hour meltdowns. She had no interest in anything or anyone other than lining objects and filling pages with colour and would be in her own world 90% of the day. The nursery were brilliant and a grant for her to have a full time one to one was put in place for the three mornings she was there. I also received play therapy at home to encourage Macy to interact appropriately using lots of very simple strategies. Macy is now in the second year of main stream school entering the third in September although we still have our daily challenges she is thriving on the strict routine of school. She started school unable/unwilling to form any pictures/letters just filling pages with colour she is now only a little behind her peers academically. She still has one to one support but this has enabled her to keep her focus control her anxiously and help her join in group activities. Although Macy doesn't initiate conversation or interaction the children are drawn sunny personality and she is happy to join in and she will say if she wants to be left alone I am just so proud of her.
We are still in the process of getting her diagnosed.
My middle daughter Leah is four and is a textbook child no concerns at all

Victoria Garforth
Bridgwater, United Kingdom