Lyric Matthew

This is our handsome Lyric Matthew. He started showing signs of autism when he was 18 months old. He rocked all the time and hummed or screamed while he rocked, if he wanted to be left alone and other children didn't understand he would get very violent, a lot of the times he would bite or hit the kids with toys if they weren't separated quick enough. Finally after 2 doctors telling me "he's to social" "why? He makes perfect eye contact" a 3Rd doctor agreed there was something there. He was 3 years old when he was finally diagnosed on the autism spectrum. It's mild but still a struggle no less. Lyric has a very hard time realizing danger, it is nothing for him to run into a street if there's a car coming or not. but he is also a very bright 4 1/2 year old. I see him do things that I have never seen another 4 year old do or know things I didn't know children his age would know! He has his bad days and meltdowns but is a very HAPPY/HEALTHY child! I don't know if it's the same for other autism parents but to me autism is our normal!
