Little Brother

When my little brother was around 2, he was acting like an everyday toddler. He said certain words. Moon, Banana, Momma. But a few months after he turned 2 he stopped talking, he wasnt active anymore. He didnt like it when someone would hold him or try to play with him. At the time I was 8 so i didnt really know if this was normal or not. My mother took him to a doctor and was diagnosed with severe Autism. When he turned 4 he started going to a special school to help him learn and prepare for regular school. Within the year and half that he was there, he went from saying a handful of words to talking non stop. He learned his ABC's and how to count to 100. He made friends and his teachers loved him. When he started Kindergarten we were really nervous, waiting to get some kind of complaint from his teacher about his fits, or how he didnt like sitting to close to people. But he's in 8th grade now and he is doing great. He's very artistic, loves to draw anything and everything. He's at the top of his class. He may not communicate like you and I can, be he knows how to do it so people can understand him. He's so bright and such an amazing boy, he is honestly the hero of everyone in our family. He's accomplished so much. He's not Autistic boy, he's the boy who has Autism, and still can make the most of his whole life. He will surley do great things, Love you Little Brother<3


springdale, AR