Lego Models

I used to work at an Autistic Day Centre, quite a lot. I discovered, one student i had been assigned to work with & support, liked playing with Lego, but mostly putting the bricks in the box & then tipping them out again. I started making various models, structures.buildings, cars etc, which he would take apart. One day i made a plane, after hearing one flying overhead, he picked it up & clutched it in his arms, taking it apart slowly. After making a sea plane, i asked him what he would like me to make next, he said "Helicopter".

I then started making animals, butterflies, giraffes, camels, when i made an elephant & had taken various pics of it, at different angles, i waited for him to take it apart, which took him about an hour & a half. Whenever i checked, to see what he was doing in his room, he was still watching a dvd, but he kept moving the elephant into different positions, just like i had been doing.

There was also a day, when the centre was due to be closed, for maintenance. His mum asked me if i could pick him up at home & take him out for a few hours, in the community, which i agreed to do. Whenever i arrived, his mum told him to get ready, because i was taking him out, he came up to me & kissed me on the cheek. Later, when we arrived back home, his mum told him to say "Thank You", he again came up to me, took hold of my hand & gave me a kiss, on the hand.

William Gregory
chatham, United Kingdom