LeeAnn's journey

The moment LeeAnn was placed in my arms, I knew something was wrong. I did not know it at the time, but she had intense sensory issues. She rarely cried when she was left alone. She could intertain herself for hours by watching a Barney video. She, as I often said, "didn't need anyone unless she was hungry or needed a diaper change." She could read, count to 100 and knew all her colors and shapes by 18 months, but she couldn't communicate or function outside of familar enviorments. She passed all her Pediatric well checks despite the fact that I always mentioned she didn't seem to notice when I left, didn't respond to her own name when called, didn't play with other children or make eye contact and didn't communicate with words. At age 2, she was diagnosed Autistic and began gluten free/casein free diets, chealation therapy and ABA. I am thankful for all the experts out ther who try to help families cope with this diagnosis and would like to extend my prayers to all who have a loved one with Autism. God bless you your child.

Tammy Short
Shelbyville, IN