Kylan James Clements

My Grandson was diagnosed with Autism early this year (2013), at 18 months, Momma was all he said and this is also when he started waking up kicking and screaming and it wasn't something that you could control you just had to comfort him and be there for him as he went through it, and eight months later he was still waking up kicking and screaming, it was so sad to see him behave this way knowing that he needed sleep and that it had to be hard on him too not being able to communicate, I couldn't sleep for thinking about him and then all of the sudden it popped in my head that on his fathers side of the family he has 2 cousins that have autism, and that's when the wheels in this Grandmas head started turning. Kylan was 2 years old and still wasn't talking and the more i read about Autism the more I became concerned. My Daughter and I took him to a Dr. that specializes in Autism and he was diagnosed with it, it was a sad day, not only to learn that my Grandson had Autism, but my Daughter was hurt too. Since then Babies Cant Wait Program has been a big part of our lives and when my Grandson turns 3 in Nov. 2013 he will start a program for kids with Autism and that is something that I am looking forward to. My Grandson doesn't talk at all these days and he will look you in the eye only for a Second, but its enough for me. We do all we can to help him communicate with us, but the smile on his face and to hear him laugh those are the things we cherish. My Grandson means the world to me. And that is our story.

katina michelle mcmichael