Kira's Journey with Autism

When Kira was two my husband and I started noticing some developemental delays and behaviors associated with autism.We noticed things such as,pointing to things and making a grunting noise,tipy toe walking,flapping of the arms,lack of speech,zoning out,high pitched squealing sounds,fear of loud noises and objects or toys that would move and make sounds. All these things were a concern to us so i contacted her doctor and set up an appointment to address these concerns to him. They asked some routine health questions and did a wellness check on her. Afterwards,her doctor told us that he saw no cause for concern and that she is just developing at her own pace and that we are just rushing and pushing her to do things she wasn't ready to do just yet and that we needed to be patient. For the next two and half years we noticed the symptoms weren't improving and she was developing new ones. All the symptoms listed above became more frequent along with the new ones such as,spinning/twirling,loss of vocabulary,strange and unusual hand movements,severe and frequent meltdowns and delay in motor skills. On March 12,2012 Kira finally got her medical diagnosis of autism. It has been a challenge raising an autistic child but we wouldn't have her anyother way. She is perfect just the way she is and is very loved by those who know her. Mommy and daddy love you so very much and are thankful that God blessed us with you.

Springdale, AR