Joey El-Ayazra

My nephew Joey is now four years of age and was diagnosed as an autistic baby from birth. Joey needs more attention, patience and love then any of us. Joey's immediate family, grandparents, aunt's, uncle's and cousins are caring for his needs of become a much better and wiser person then today. Joey is not a talkative little guy but can show or sign what he wants or need. He is a happy little boy with a carefree attitude and unconditional love.
I love spending every minute of my time with Joey and in return I am gaining some bonding experiences. I am trying to teach him some basic two to four letter words for his lifestyle. We like to play games, interact with toys, youtubing videos and watch TV. The understanding of Joey's know how will take time and energy from anyone who is involved in his life.
Joey is undergoing some dietary supplements, speech therapy, occupational therapy and some outside interactions right now. He is a hyper little boy who is filled up with so much pent up excitements and does not know how to release it wisely. I know that someday Joey will leave his mark on the world and become a pioneer in the history book.

Uncle Ronnie
Fayette, PA