
My daughter was a preemie so, delays were expected. She started physical therapy at 6mths, then later developmental intervention. By 18 mths, I noticed regression in her speech. She loved to spin...I thought it was cute until her therapist pointed out to me that it could be a sign of Autism. I began to worry that my daughter may never learn to talk or be potty trained...etc. It seemed to take forever to get her into speech therapy Once she was diagnosed with Autism...we were finally able to get speech started but by this time she began to have issues with social interaction. She did not respond well with her speech therapist. At age 3 she started Preschool...I was terrified...would she wander away from the class? Would she be able to voice her wants/needs? What about loud noises? I was told that children learn a lot from other kids. It turned out to be a true! Preschool turned out to be a huge turning point for her!!! She began to make friends quickly, she loved the new therapists...her speech improved rapidly...her occupational skills were beginning to improve. She learned how to use her imagination! Her progress took off like wild fire. I was and still am amazed. By age 4 my daughter could not only talk but she could read!!! Jazmine is now 5, about to turn 6 & her academic skills are shocking. She seems to have a photographic memory...if she reads a word once, she doesn't forget it...some of her favorite books are 2nd grade level....She loves to learn! When she watches DVD’s she programs the movies with the words are on the screen so, she can read along! For Jazmine what I thought was gonna hold her back turned out to be a blessing in disguise! She loves to go to church, to the park & she especially loves to go to the library! She has recently began pageants which is helping to improve her coordination & eye contact. I feel very blessed & proud of my Princess Jazmine!

Jamie Hall
Prestonsburg, KY