Inspiration and Courage

In 2004, 6 weeks after my son was born, we almost lost him to a rare genetic disorder called CSID (Congenital Surcose-Isomaltose Difficency). He never liked to be held in our arms, but we did it anyway until he would stop being tense and relax. By the age of 2 he was not talking and went to his room whenever people would come over, even his brother & sister. We got him some speech therapy, but the doctors said that it was just the malnutrition from his condition that made him delayed. They were wrong and I knew it. We had to move due to me losing my job, but I went to the local Infant and Toddlers agency to get him is therapy started again and had to get another doctor as well. They put him through tests and diagnosed him with autism at the age of 3 1/2. He then got all the therapy through Easter Seals and began a transition into school. He is now reading on grade level and had all grades this year (all B's & C's) in the general population classroom. He gets very anxious at the beginning of each year, but is doing very well. His little personality is starting to shine. He is my inspiration for going back to school to become a Nurse. Our lives would be much different if Zach was not into and we are greater for it. We still don't know what is future will hold, but for now he is doing great. His future looks bright.

Honey Maloof
Quantico, MD