Impossible to Possible

This is Matthew. He hit all the normal milestones a baby should. At 18months, it all stopped. Pediatrician recommended getting his ears checked, when the results came back fine, we were referred to a behavioral specialist. The diagnoses came right after Matthew's 2nd birthday.
He has been non-verbal, until about 6 months ago when we heard him count out loud 1-10, now he tries to repeat what we say to him. Even last night at the grocery store, he grabbed an apple and said "Apple". Words aren't distinct all the time, however they are becoming more frequent. Matthew can write his name, sort and sign all the letters in the alphabet, use colors to distinguish his wants when it comes to choosing foods, toys, drinks etc. I was told he would never speak, he would never understand what my purpose in his life was.
I am here, 6 years later, to tell other parents to not give up hope. His father, 2 sisters and I work with him daily and push him to communicate with us. (The girls are his biggest fans!) Whether it is with signing, verbalizations, approximations or pointing. We have even gotten him to sign and speak simple phrases such as, "I want more please". His words are not completely clear...yet, but his effort is astounding.
He wasn't able to be in public places, sights and sounds were too much for him. Over the years we have been able to build his tolerance. He can now go just about anywhere, last summer he went to see his first movie in the movie theater. He did incredibly well!! We are so proud and blessed to have him as our son. God gave us Matthew to see the impossible things made possible. He is the love of our lives. Looking forward to his years ahead. He amazes us daily.

Layne Blethen
Lexington, KY