Ian and his successes

Ian wasn't your average newborn when he was born 14 years ago. He cane into the world at a healthy 11 pounds 7 ounces. He hit all the normal developmental milestones on time or early. He was speaking 3 and 4 word sentences by the time he was 18 months old and walked at 11 months. At 19 months old he quit talking...not one word. He also could stand certain sounds like the vacuum and getting him a haircut was an impossible task. We lived in San Antonio at the time and it was summer and he would only wear heavy long sleeved shirts, overalls and hicking boots. He hated light touches but loved bear hugs. Finally at 26 months old we got him into a developmental pediatrics clinic. He has Sensory Integration Dysfunction and possibly autism. He started speech therapy but still wouldn't talk so they taught us sign language and did occupational therapy. At 3 years old he started Developmental Pre-school and continued his therapies. By kindergarten he was mainstreamed and only getting speech therapy. He is now in 8th grade, completely mainstreamed and taking advanced placement math and science, in which he is doing amazing in. He is also in 2 bands and plays 2 instruments, tuba in symphonic band and trombone in jazz band, he only needs to play a piece once and he's got it memorized. He is still slightly socially ackward but has friends. Ian inspires me everyday to try my best. He is the most loving 14 year old I know and I am blessed to call him my son.

Jennifer McCoy-Gruver
El Paso, TX