Hugs for Free

Our daughter is almost 14 now. She wasn't diagnosed with Autism until around 8. I knew at 3. It was her insatiable need to hug everyone that kept throwing the medical community off. Thankfully the spectum finally "opened" in their eyes to include the affectionate children like Claudia. She is on a mission to give hugs out to all who may need them. Can't tell you how often she has surpised a stranger with a hug and brought them to tears. We were able to get her into speech therapy at three years old since she wasn't really speaking, and the therapy was remarkable!!! She still won't hold a typical conversation, but she speaks well enough for us to get by! She sings like an angel!!!! To know and accept Claudia is to know unconditional love!! And you will definatly get a lot of free hugs!

Deer Park, WA