How my 8 year old took the news that we FINALLY got a diagnosis after 5 years.

My 8 year old has been recently (and Finally ) diagnosed with Aspergers last month. It has been a 5 year battle and he has been home schooled for the last 2. My husband and I sat him down and tried our level best to explain it to him. He seemed to have got it for the most part, let's face it, after 5 years and being home schooled, he had a small inkling something was up. After we spoke to him, he just looked at us and asked to go swimming. That was it? Alright :D , we had more ready, but nope. Xan wanted to go swimming. Dig that boy
We have an underwater camera that takes pretty cool pictures and he and his siblings had a blast that day just snapping the coolest, and yes, goofiest shots! A Couple of days later we were looking at the pictures and I said " Xan, you are all Blue, That is the color for Autism.". He looked at me ( With His BIG Blue Eyes) and says "huh, that's cool. Blues MY Favorite color!.". So we made this (Luckily he has a comp. savvy sister) and told him what we were writing,and it has become one of my most favorite pictures of my youngest of 6. Thought this might brighten your day and make you smile, as it does me.

Coosada, AL