How i become app developer?

I am Daphna graphic designer and mother of an autistic child
During one of the staff meetings in the nursery, the clinician recommended the use of an iPad.

The very next day we bought an iPad and downloaded the applications recommended to us, we found out that Elad responds very well to the gadget. He is showing no objections when we are revealing new contents to him, he has fun experimenting, pushing buttons, exploring the iPad.
I saw Elad was helped by the gadget. He pushed the instructions, for instance: putting toothpaste on the toothbrush, and he would immediately perform this himself. It was evident that Elad found the iPad easier to work with rather than a verbal instruction. It gets him organized; suddenly he pays more attention to his own actions…
Following the success story with Elad, and responses from professionals within the field of aid to children with special needs, we have decided to enable other children to enjoy these benefits.Half a year of hard work produce" MYLIFESKILLSBOX". an iPad application for children with special needs.
The app including three area of life - every day actions, social behavior and play.

Daphna sarusi
Herzelia, Israel