How he changed my life

Gabe was 2 1/2 years old when he was diagnosed with autism. At the time, his dad and I knew nothing and were terrified. Gabe was unable to speak at all at this point. When he was three, we enrolled him in a preschool for students with autism. Within a few short months, he was reciting his ABC's, reading words, and said "I love you" for the first time! His teachers were amazed with his quick progress!

Now Gabe is 14. He has been moved into a more advanced special education class, and takes general ed classed in reading, math, and computers. He is moderately autistic, so this is no easy feat.

More importantly, Gabe is funny!! He does amazing impressions! He is so charming that he makes friends everywhere we go. I have seen this little boy who was so lost transform into a funny, bright, amazing young man. Gabe, your mom is so proud of you, and thanks you for showing her the funnier, kinder side to this world.

Autism Awareness. For Gabe.

Jamie Wenzel
Bay City, MI