How Far We Have Come

My granddaughter was labeled a behavior problem, shuttled from schools, hid under desks, ran from teachers, until she was finally diagnosed as Aspergers three years ago at age 7. Fighting the school systems is an ongoing job, but now with help from her school to place her in the right classes. She is now in her fifth year of music and drama classes on the weekend. This has helped tremendously with her grades at school, plus she is accepted in those classes by her peers. She has done small shows, but this weekend was part of a large performance on the "big" stage to a paying audience. I was so proud. I have taught her that social situations are not bad or scary anymore and while she may not look at you when she speaks, she will talk to you and tell stories on and on. She travels with me and has flown to Europe and will laugh when she talks about eating her aunties chocolate mousse. She loves art, loved the Louvre and the train rides. She is gentle and wears her feelings on her sleeve. She does not understand why other kids are mean to her, but she knows it hurts. She does lash out but does not understand that when they laugh they are laughing at her not with her. There is still more to learn and more growing to do, but at times I think she has it better that she does not know how to be mean and hope that she will stay that way. There are already to many mean people in the world.

Clearwater, FL