help raise awareness

my brother was 4 when we found out he had autism. We knew he was always diffrent from the other children but i though it was cute and loved his unique abillity to love and care for anyone, but me being 10 at the time didnt really recognise his autism. Sadly my brothers dad did not get the saport he needed when he was younger and found out at the same time as my brother that he had atism aswell (aged 27) he had grow up his whole life not knowing a thing about atism or him even having it. This has caused him latter life issues as he has turned into an alcoholic meaning that he can only see my brother when someone else is with him to supervise the situation and my brother cant stay at his house,sadly my mother left him meany years ago due to his behaviours and drinking problem, and he is stewing in a life that could of been helped if only it had been noticed when he was yonger. Luckly my brother has a lot of saport and me being his full time carer and playing the part as a father model seen as he doesnt see his dad, means that he tells me more thing even somethings he will tell me but not my mum eg bulies,his problems. Anyway what i am trying to say is that atleast my brother has some one to talk to, even if he bring it up3/4 weeks after it even happend he still tells and i still ask, where as his dad didnt have any saport. Its great that now adays kids and adults with atism are getting all the saport they need and hope that people become aware of atism

Honey whiteside
scotland, United Kingdom