He Is Not Different He Is Special

I am the mother of 2 very high strung kids. Jayelynn being 7 and Harly being 4. Harly was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder 1 month before turning 3. Upon the diagnosis they told me he was on a 1 yr 9 mo age level at almost 3. This news was very devistating but I knew I could not dwell on it. I proceeded to get him the best therapy I could get.
I knew from the time he was an infant he was not like the rest of the babies. He was "Special". I really noticed how delayed he was when my niece who is 12 weeks younger started hitting milestones Harly had not yet suceeded. He did not talk until he was almost 2 and did not use sentences until he started school.
Harly enter the Headstart program in our school system in 2011. There he had a very awesome group of teachers working with him along with a great Speech Pathologist and Occupational Therapist. Without the help of these teachers Harly would have not had as good of a year as he did. I believe he will excel in school with the help of his team of teachers.
Harly has a wonderful home life and is very social and loving with those he knows the best. His sister (although they fight) is a temendous help. He really looks up to her and learns so much from her everyday. He loves his Nana and Papo and thinks he has to visit them everyday. He loves visiting his aunts, uncles, and cousins as well. Every single one of you guys is trully an inspiration to him and without the help of you all Harly would not be where he is today. Thanks so much for the help.

Lacy Smith
Kingston, OK