God gave me a gift

i had my son at the age of 21, At that age you are trying to find who you are let alone trying to be a parent. my son was born at 38 weeks witch i thought was early but by time he turned one he was still not talking or using simple words,(like mama dada) everyone told me i that it takes time. Deep in my heart i knew something was wrong. Here was this little boy who never cried or fussed like other kids. i thought i was lucky to have a "good" baby, then when he got sick he never showed it. When he had ear infections it was so hard to tell until the pus came out of his eyes. he got tubes in his ears at two years old. That helped but then when he still wouldn't talked we began to question why. We got of hold of the early intervention who began to give us hope and understanding why my little guy was different. His actions show the signs of autisim and aspergers. He still hasn't be formly tested for it but the sings are there . I'm begining to understand why God gave my this little gift. my son is a gift god wanted me to have.

yankton, SD