Gift from Heaven

She was born 5/07 and was given the name Lani Makana. The translation of her name is Gift from Heaven. She seemed to be progressing as any other 2 year old but at her check up her doctor noticed her doing something that I thought was "normal". When excited she would posture and shake and sometimes pace. I had seen other kids do this and I just thought it was her way of expressing her excitement. Her doctor was concerned and sent us to a specialist and she suspected Autism. We had her evaluated through the CDSA and after 8 months of deliberations and ADOS testing her official diagnosis was Atypical Autism. Lani was just about to turn 3. During this time she began to pace and posture more which we call "processing". It comes after a long stimulating day and it is almost as if she is downloading everything that has happened. She has a hard time with eye contact, using scripted speech at times and some aggression issues. Lani began getting OT and eventually added speech therapy. She got accepted to the local elementary Pre-K at age 3. She is now almost 5. She is about to complete her second year of Pre-K and due to her amazing therapists, teachers and family support she is scheduled to start kindergarten on time. She attends dancing and is going to be performing in her first recital. We can't say its been easy but it has been the most amazing experience. She is the most fascinating person I have ever met and most people who meet her feel the same way. I think about what her life would be without Autism but she would not be the perfect person she is today. Lani Makana you are truly our Gift from Heaven.............

Amy Lutchman
Valdese, NC