
Autism has been many things to my child and I from me defending her to people who do not know what it is to have special needs to wanting to wear a shirt that says hey my child is special leave her alone,If only people would get to know these lovely children we can learn so much from them.My Daughter has showed us how to smile and give us the chance to know how lovely she really is and while she may delay with some things she excells in others she can run circles around me on the computer and electronics yet she can not read or write or hold a pencle but she is my world my strength to go trew the life I have,you see children like my little Bell may have autism but to me she is just a wonderful little girl with so much to offer and so much love to give ,I could not imagin my world with out her,You see I have a illness that almost made me wanna give up but because of her and the love i see in her eyes and the need she has to be happy an just the joy she has given me has made me come to fight to get well myself she to me is my life saver and now I will be hers,Never under estimate children with and special need because they can truly teach us how to live an be happy and bring so much joy into our lifes !!I do not see it as a chore or hard work I see it as a blessing that I was given to know such a wonderful child Thank you Lord for a wonderful little girlto me she is PERFECT!

Lakeland, FL