
My Granddaughter

Let’s see….what have you taught me lately? I have learned more and more children with Autism see things differently than we do. The way you hold a flower, twirl a blade of grass through your fingertips amazes me. What “we” take for granted, you notice. Because I believe, I know, in your world, there are beautiful colors, laughter, and soft sounds. As we took a little side trip this week, just the two of us, I caught myself explaining, when needed, to others that you have autism. Not to explain when you don’t acknowledge a stranger in an elevator or let it be known you are frustrated but as a way to EDUCATE others. I know there are good people in this world from the look in their eyes when explaining how special you are. The look of amazement that a little girl with no distinguishable features, would have autism, and the compassion that was given was awesome. It touches me the way, when approaching a group, you would move closer to me, constantly wringing your fingers. This is your way of being apprehensive to strange sounds and groups of people that you do not know. I learned to pull you closer and to whisper softly would always ease you. I hope others will remember that when an autistic child is around. It almost seems like “we” invade your world. You are precious. You are capable of learning more and more. And even if you didn’t, “we” would love you just the same.

kimberly shiver
savannah, GA